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    Saturday, March 15th, 2025 09:26 pm
    There's so much, where to begin? Well, it depends. Most of this is Narnia, though there are a few other things, too. To decide if you are interested in "Not My Children's Narnia" (I'm an adult writing mostly adult characters for mostly adult readers) try Under Cover, or the first three chapters of The Stone Gryphon, Part 1 (Oxfordshire 1942), and/or the first four chapters of By Royal Decree. If you don't like those, you probably won't like the rest of it.

    ( Never tell me the word count )能上picacg的梯子
    On Archive of our Own

    Liliandil and the Just King aka it's not all about you
    Kwong Lee is a bad Buddhist
    Lie Back and Think of Narnia -- Peridan, Flobber and meaning of the word "fark"
    The Horse, his boy, the girl, her horse, the Rat and the Trickster stories are here and here
    You need a wolf to run a mole to ground -- The Stone Gryphon AU
    Morgan and Edmund On Two Hearts Day in the Lone Islands and Acceptance of the terms (after the departure of the Four)
    Comment Fic, Give the Pevensies A Friend
    More Comment Fic, including why Edmund and Leszi don't get along, why Morgan and Peter don't get along, and Jalur and the Cub.
    And Then The World Blew Up (only here because really, how can you resist Sherlock Holmes, L.King's Mary Russell (no relation to Mary Anning Russell of TSG -- a coincidence), Ramses Emerson and Edmund Pevensie in Jerusalem in 1918?  The F List and I couldn't and comment fic madness resulted. The only thing missing was Miles Vorkosigan and maybe his mother.)
    Lots and lots of Alternate Universe Stone Gryphon stories (where everyone lives and nobody dies and there are adventures) are scattered all over this LJ and spread to others. The easiest way to find out about the camels in the Sahara, spies in Moscow, alligators, and Che Guevara is to go to the TSG AU tag
    Eustace, Jill and Quebec
    The Great Mother's Day Debate in which the Just King argues for posting Chapter 8 of By Royal Decree so that he can have sex and accuses Rthstewart of disrupting expectations because she's worried her children will grow up to be like him.
    Food for Thought, in which I channel the mind and writing of a 16 year old girl who blogs about going through her Great Grandmother Susan's wardrobe.

    Because people sometimes ask, On the Narnia side, you have, in chronological order:

    The Palace Guard (chronologically first but written after By Royal Decree)
    By Royal Decree and at AO3
    Chapter 1 of It’s The Thought That Counts
    Black as Rat and Crow
    Harold and Morgan: Not A Romance (in progress, maybe)
    哔咔漫画用免费加速器 (part of H&M: Not A Romance)
    Acceptance of the Terms (part of H&M: Not A Romance)

    Deny the Child (sequel to Acceptance of the Terms by the awesome Anastigmat)

    I love not the man less but nature more the Great Bonding of The Monarchs To Narnia
    comes first chronologically but I do not recommend reading it until you've been through at least the Narnia stories and probably Part 1 of TSG. And maybe not even then. It's not for everyone, though its assumptions are sprinkled throughout the overall story arc.


    On the Spare Oom side you have, in chronological order,

    The Stone Gryphon, Part 1, Oxfordshire 1942 and 能上picacg的梯子
    Chapter 2, It’s The Thought That Counts
    The Stone Gryphon, Part 2, The Queen Susan in Tashbaan and at AO3
    The Stone Gryphon, Part 3, 哔咔加速器免费
    (up to Chapter 15)
    Rat and Sword Go To War

    I personally think that before you start Part 2 of 能上picacg的梯子, it's a good idea to skim 哔咔可用的加速器and Harold and Morgan (even though unfinished) because there’s a lot that happens there, especially in terms of Edmund’s story, that is relevant. The Palace Guard is relevant to the Good Beasts and other personalities who crop up throughout The Stone Gryphon. I don't have many true surprises but one of them is spoiled in Chapter 2 of the It's The Thought that Counts so you might want to read Chapter 14 of 【719影视】简单好用的视频播放器 免登录享受全部功能 无 ...:2021-4-7 · 哔咔漫画v2.2.0.0去广告_完美_破解版 【小嘀咕影院】各类热门影视免费看 还有小说漫画资源哦 快喵单身版(一键观看抖音小姐姐视频注意身体) 团夕影院-全网影视免费看 河洛群侠传破解版v1.28 免安装中文版 新版安卓TikTok国际抖音看洋妞first.

    中国vpn:2021-5-21 · 苏宁环球集团1987年创业至今,栉风沐雨、励精图治,目前位列“中国民营企业500强”第17位,“中国民营企业服务业100强”第8位。企业总资产近千亿元,品牌价值超千亿元。苏宁环球集团在不断做大做强地产主业的同时,还积极谋求多元化发展。

    Under Cover and at AO3
    哔咔加速器免费 and at AO3
    Follow The Star and at AO3

    Oh My Gawd, it's sooo long, so here's a short cut

    A Timeline of events in The Queen Susan in Tashbaan
    Partial cast of characters through most of The Queen Susan in Tashbaan, including character key to the allegorical code used in the story.
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    rthstewart: (Default)
    Tuesday, July 14th, 2020 11:27 pm

    My sign ups tend to be pretty similar year after year for the NFE.  I'm nothing if not predictable. Ignore Last Battle. Just about anything else is OK though I'm not a fan of Jadis or the Telmarine era.

    So, first, thanks so much!  Despite the character-centric match up, the fact is, I’m pretty agnostic as to characters for the NFE. (with a couple of new exceptions as explained below).  Anon posting is enabled here so if you have any questions, drop a line.

    Truly, whatever we've been matched on, don't worry because I like just about anything and what I don't like has to do with tone and characterization, not particular characters.  

    As to the Friends of Narnia, I like them all, so basically any and/or all Pevensies, Eustace, Jill, Digory and/or Polly.  Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie are great too.  I'd like at least one of the Friends in it somewhere but feel free to add others. 

    Something I really love about Narnia (and what I assume the Friends bring back to England) is the sense of wild diversity and inclusiveness.  The victory romp in PC is my idea of the very best of Narnia.  I love to see that abundance, acceptance, vibrancy, passion, color, and exuberance in a story.  If you go in this direction, feel free to introduce human and non-human OCs, non-binary characters and characters that are LGBTQA, BIPOC, neuro-atypical, and not human, etc.  if you like, THROW A BIG PARTY.

    I generally prefer adults or adults in children's bodies -- in other words, they can be  young in appearance but old in terms of years lived, wisdom and experience.  From my previous prompts, you can glean the following, and I'm surprised at how little they've changed

    What I also love:
    • UST; witty banter and snark; Politics, finance or military strategy; World War 2; Worldbuilding; Gap-filling; Culture clash (within Narnia or Narnia vs. Spare Oom); healthy, romantic relationship between exuberantly consenting adults (canon pairing or OC); someone being extraordinarily clever and getting out of a jam; any Narnian (Pevensie or otherwise) observed from a third person point of view; anything sly, wry, and silly; rapid fire dialogue; a delightful sense of the absurd
    • A happy ending, delightful characterization, and to laugh at least once
    • Pagan and/or mythological influences;
    • Adults and old souls in young bodies;
    • A Narnia with creaky wheels, the faint smell of manure, the stronger odor of wet livestock and dogs, grass stains, bare feet, pollen, open windows, and lots of animal hair and feathers
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    • Cross-overs! 
    •  AU and canon divergence is great too.  A Golden Age > 15 years, so, therefore I'd love an AU look with adult Pevensies, OC consorts, and the next gen.  Similarly, I’d love a Spare Oom AU with a happily ever after and no train crash
    • I'd be very happy if you just ignore TLB completely. 
    • 海贼无双4破解版v1.0 动作冒险新游 - 创世资源网:2021-3-29 · 哔咔漫画v2.2.0.0去广告_完美_破解版 【小嘀咕影院】各类热门影视免费看 还有小说漫画资源哦 快喵单身版(一键观看抖音小姐姐视频注意身体) 团夕影院-全网影视免费看 河洛群侠传破解版v1.28 免安装中文版 新版安卓TikTok国际抖音看洋妞
    • I have a huge body of Narnia work so if there's something that you want to explore, please go ahead.  I'd love that too. 

     What I definitely don't want in my fic: it's a short list but pretty strongly held:  excessive angst, gore or violence; any dub-con whatsoever; Susan written as "Fallen Away From Narnia because of Lipstick and Nylons"; Lucy sidelined or being protected by her overbearing big brothers and worry-wart sister.  I don't want female characters and especially WOC sidelined in favor of a white m/m pairing (with the exception this year of the Edmund/Faramir request -- more on that below).

    As to ratings, for the NFE I prefer gen or T up to M for sexual (not violence) content with fade to black.  In terms of pairings, I generally prefer f/f, f/m and poly - or no pairing at all. 

    My crack prompts that are very (and for me uncharacteristically) character-centric:
    The Narnia/ASOFAI, with a special request for either Peter/Sansa or Arya + Lucy (or Arya/Lucy).  Last year there was a terrific fic that flirted with Peter/Sansa and then the characters got all duty bound and noble and broke it off, each returning to their respective lands to rule wisely.  Which was completely the right decision but broke my shippy little heart.  I just feel that there's so much potential, with Sansa maybe meeting a true Knight (as Edmund describes Peter in PC).  And personal head canon is that Peter has some pretty significant trust issues himself with regard to potential consorts who are more interested in Narnia than in him.  I think they both would acutely feel the duty to produce heirs and really aren't terribly enthusiastic about it, at first.  This could be politics and arrangements that turns into something more; frienemies or enemies or friends to lovers; UST; and most of all something where each first underestimates and then learns to deeply respect the other. 

    As for Arya and Lucy, this is obviously something intended for the high seas.  Maybe Lucy is a pirate queen or maybe she and Arya join forces against pirates.  Maybe they are both at port and just knock back a few in a bar and bitch about their brothers and sisters.  Lucy would be so admiring of Needle and Arya would be so admiring of Lucy's dagger.  High spirits, high jinx, swinging from the rigging.

    The Narnia/LOTR is even more cracky and even less formed.  I've just adored these pairings in the three sentence ficathon, but feel free to add any others.  Faramir/Edmund is just so bookish and nerdy and oh gosh, so many big brother and daddy issues -- m/m usually isn't in my NFE requests because I'm all about the female-centric stories but I'm making an exception here.  Maybe Edmund comes to Minas Tirith to see the library.  Maybe Faramir's patrol goes WAY further afield.  Lucy/Aragorn or Lucy+Aragorn is all about darkness, fighting, spirituality, and healing.  Oh Lucy could teach Aragorn so much about faith.  And the others (Susan and ??? Elrond?  Maglor (SO MUCH ANGST) Arwen?) (Peter and Eowyn always delights me -- I always imagine Peter writing Eowyn lots of really bad poetry because he's a teenager still outgrowing his armor and just smitten but then maybe really tries to help her during the dark times leading up to the War.  Also talking Horses).  This is just 1,000 words of pure character bliss.  Could be in Narnia or ME -- maybe Narnia abuts Rohan at a distant Northern border; maybe a diplomatic mission; maybe a plea for military aid or a spy mission gone awry. 

    Last, here is a moose, swimming in a very deep, very cold, alpine lake.  How did she get there?  Where is she going?  Why? http://imgur.com/a/VTyaqxv

    Thank you!

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    Narnia Fic Exchange! and this and that

    rthstewart: (Default)
    Sunday, July 12th, 2020 11:19 pm
    Sign up are live!!

    How are you?
    Work has eased up a bit for me.  I'm no longer pulling 14 to 18 hour days dealing with idiots with COVID-19-related snake oils.  I'm still not braining very well  -- I was unable to determine which was was right if I was heading southbound, east or west?  (Yes, I know, it's East but I just had to think about it, again).   This week seems to be busier after it being pretty quiet over the 4th.  My spousal unit took a new position which is causing me intense anxiety, my spawn is volunteering for different D Congressional campaigns.  After some very difficult times earlier this summer, Komo is healthy for the moment and gaining back some of his attractive chonk (B12, Thyroid meds, probiotic, ceterizine, and ultra-allergen free food).  I still don't like him very much and Thorin, I regret to say, has severe dysplasia and arthritis.  He also had some terrible tooth problems, had an extraction and other procedures and is just not himself.  But he is the love of my life.  On the other hand, the boys both LOVE rolling in hot grass on summer days.

    I failed at sourdough levain this weekend.  And tried another cookie recipe this evening that also failed.  Leinenkugel summer shandies are delicious. 

    I signed up for the AU Exchange which was the most complex sign up I've ever done.  OMG.  I'm really not good at this kind of complex thing with So Many Tags.  I'm such a moron.  Self loathing and self hate are very strong right now, violently so, even.  I just really despise myself deeply.

    I've been watching Star Wars with some of the neighbor kids. We're doing an outdoor showing this week, with a projection screen, blankets on the lawn and whatnot.  That should be very fun.  Another generation of Padawan learners going through the trials.

    So, that's all here. 

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    Dear Author for AU Exchange

    rthstewart: (Default)
    Sunday, July 能上picacg的梯子, 2020 03:23 pm
    Thanks so much AU author! I hope you have fun with the assignment and that it doesn't cause you stress.  This sign up was the most complicated thing I've ever done and I got it wrong in a few places with prompts I didn't mean to include and ones that I omitted by accident.  Woops.  So, if you have a question or feel too limited, please drop me an anon comment and I'll try to give you some ideas and clarifications.

    Despite the character-centric match up, the fact is, I’m pretty agnostic as to particular characters and I find the matching limitations very stressful as I don't primarily think of my fan fic in terms of pairings.  Whatever we've been matched on, don't worry because I like just about anything and what I don't like has to do with tone and characterization, not particular characters. If you see something you'd prefer to try instead, go for it. 

    My likes and dislikes don't change much from exchange to exchange or year after year.  My
    2018 crossovering letter and my 2018-2019 Narnia Fic Exchange gave some additional insights.

    So, generally, what I love:
    • Really I LOVE AU, canon divergence, xovers, and fusions. 
    • UST; witty banter and snark; Politics, finance or military strategy; espionage, World War 2; Worldbuilding; Gap-filling; Culture clash healthy, romantic relationship between exuberantly consenting adults (canon pairing or OC); someone being extraordinarily clever and getting out of a jam; any canon character being observed from a third person point of view where you know more than the 3rd person pov; anything sly, wry, and silly; rapid fire dialogue; a delightful sense of the absurd
    • I don't mind character-driven rather than plotty fic, though plot is great too!
    • A happy ending, delightful characterization, and to laugh at least once
    • I prefer humor over angst and sex over violence.
    • Ladies being good at what they do, whatever that is.
    • In terms of ships, I'm good with just about anything or none at all. If you get shippy, I generally prefer m/f, f/f and poly. if you go m/m, please see DNW below.
    • Feel free to introduce OCs, BIPOC, and characters that are non-binary, not gender conforming, neuro-atypical, and not human, etc. Go ahead and race and gender bend. 
    • And hey, it's not for everybody but if you want to include recent events (American mess of politics, Brexit, COVID), that's fine too. 
    What I definitely don't want in my fic: it's a short list but pretty strongly held: excessive angst, gore or violence; any dub-con whatsoever; female characters and especially WOC being written out of the narrative or canonical romance in favor of white dudes. For exchanges, I generally prefer G, T, or M if it's light or fade to black),

    Notes on Crossovers and Fusions: Among the fandoms that I like: Narnia, Star Wars (though I bailed on the NJO books and never picked them up again and I love love love the original Thrawn trilogy and especially Mara Jade), Doctor Who, the Expanse (book and novels), Wonder Woman movie, Elementary, Temeraire, Bujold's Chalion and Vorkosigan, Leverage, Buffy, Firefly, Warrior Nun, Person of Interest, Warehouse 13, Librarians, LOTR, Pern, Prydain, Pacific Rim, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, Pride and Prejudice in all its interpretations; a lot of (but not all) of the MCU (i.e., Captain America, Thor, Peggy Carter, Black Panther, Avengers (I'm very meh on Iron Man and Tony). Feel free to mix and match.   And if the story is otherwise compelling, I'll read anything.  I went down a rabbit hole last night for a Harry Potter/Assasin's Creed xover and I have no idea what AC even is. 

    A few more details on my requests:
    See my Narnia exchange letter from 2018 and 2019.  I love the idea of Susan's horn pulling someone in from another verse.  I'm not crazy about the Telmarine Age of Conquest and anything that is Jadis-centric.  Otherwise, I'm good with just about anything.  If you know my work and want to spin something from it, that's great too!  I'm definitely up for AUs where Everyone Stays/Nobody Leaves or Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies.

    Wow, it's such a huge 'verse. Feel free to cross over or fuse with anything in the above or that's in my prompts.  I especially LOVED Thor Ragnaork and Black Panther's takes on immigration and colonialism. I love the women of the MCU kicking asses, taking names and working together. I'd love to see something where characters we love don't die or are brought back by their friends and family. You could add: dragons; (more) magic; dinosaurs; Hogwarts; Jaegers and Kaiju; the One Ring; a journey to the underworld; Susan's horn. The character matching is always so weird, but I love Gamorra, Nebula, Steve, Peggy, Rocket, Thor, Loki, Frigga, Jane, Darcy, Maria, Nat, Pepper, Bruce, Clint, Valkyrie, Shuri, Nakia, Okoye, Ramonda, and Wanda. Anything with one or more of them would be great.  

    You can see what my crossovering requests were from 2018 with a prominent request for punching Nazis.  I feel that more than ever.  Most of the offered characters were in pairings but I would love anything with any of the characters (alone or together) identified or any of the fandoms I've identified in the prompt or above -- basically any Star Wars meets other Star Wars meets Harry Potter meets Lord of the Rings meets Narnia meets MCU characters meets Sansa or Arya Stark or Daenerys or Brienne meets Diana meets Elizabeth Swan.  I admit to a secret yearning for Peter Pevensie/Sansa Stark.  I'd love to see Leia Organa in anything (I'd meant to include her in an xover with Rogue One and didn't -- woops).  Obi-Wan and the Rogue One group.  Cara Dune and anybody. Same as above with one character traveling to bring another one back from the dead.  Forming a secret resistance.  Weapons practice. Someone gets summoned into Narnia.  Someone runs into the Order of the Phoenix or thwarts Deatheaters. Draw a couple of names, find something you want to write, and I'll love it. 
    Or, you know, just have two characters join forces to punch Nazis or their in-universe equivalent (colonizers, Empire, etc.) 

    Harry Potter
    Wow, I've never asked for HP before.... I'm totally ready for fix-it fic, portals, spies, everybody lives, journeys to the underworld to bring back people back, secret resistance, and the aforementioned cross-overs and fusions and any of the tags I included.  I don't know HP fic all that well but I know I'm not interested in Snape or Malfoy and I like a lot of the improvements fanon has made over the years (e.g., Harry is from Southeast Asia). 
    Optional is optional but: In the intervening years, I'm one of those who has been dissatisfied with things in HP:  the simplistic representations of the Slytherins as all evil; the representation of motherhood in Lily and Molly; the whitewashing and poor representation; the transphobia, the happy enslaved house elves, and basically my belief at the end of the books that the Wizarding World was so racist, it needed to burned to the ground and rebuilt.  So, if you feel that way and want to do something about it, I'm an eager audience.
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    This fucking administration

    rthstewart: (Default)
    Thursday, May 14th, 2020 10:40 pm
    • A fact sheet obviously written by Kush and McKinsey on the strategic national stockpile -- "Our next generation SNS will be improved by increasing supplies of critically-needed items, integrating predictive analytics to determine needs, leveraging technology to provide real-time visibility of supply chains, and reducing dependency on foreign supplies." What the hell does that even mean?  It's somebody's powerpoint from a supply chain presentation in 2019. And the SNS, gosh maybe because they were funnelling funds to bioterrorism defense and smallpox vaccine interests owned by Adminstration friends? or because Republicans declined funding requests?  Or they didn't repair the stuff that was in the stockpile?  Absolute fuckwits.
    • The evening White House COVID-19 Update I have to plow through every single fucking night included this wonderful gem:
      • Former Cleveland Clinic Employee and Chinese “Thousand Talents” Participant Arrested for Wire Fraud (Dr. Qing Wang, a former Cleveland Clinic Foundation (CCF) employee, is charged with false claims and wire fraud related to more than $3.6 million in grant funding that Dr. Wang and his research group received from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  能上picacg的梯子
    Now I'm very curious. this is a COVID-19 update. Why is this item here? Maybe Dr. Wang and his CCF research group got a grant from NIH for COVID research in, say mid-March for $3.6 million, CCF got suspicious, fired Wang, reported him to NIH who brought in the FBI and DOJ and they managed, while everyone is working remotely and travel is banned, managed to pull together a criminal case in less than 60 days?
    Or maybe this relates to conduct that dates back I dunno, months? years? And funny but the DOJ and FBI press releases contain NOTHING about when this occurred. Maybe it's COVID related? Sure.
    Or maybe it's just because Dr. Wang is Chinese? You think?
    • And then there is this Executive Order,on D【吾爱破解论坛-LCG-LSG|安卓破解|病毒分析|破解软件|www ...:2021-10-1 · WWW.52POJIE.CN在百度pc端共有535,290个词有排名,其中90,589个词排名前十,其中前三名有25,343个词,65,246个词排名第四至第十,438,178个词排名第十一至第二十。搜索量大于10,000的有54个,5,000~10,000的有53个。 我要购买

      OK so maybe the US is helping other countries with loans through the IDFC? Maybe?Oh look.  The Prez is delegating presidential authority to Adam Boehler, who is SURPRISE a Kush friend who helped fuck up the supply chain pandemic response.  And so Kush's friend has just been given:
      • Accordingly, I am delegating authority under title III of the Act to make loans, make provision for purchases and commitments to purchase, and take additional actions to create, maintain, protect, expand, and restore the domestic industrial base capabilities, including supply chains within the United States and its territories (“domestic supply chains”), needed to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak.
    • So using the IDFC for domestic supply?  Or? what exactly?  Make low interest government loans to his friends in healthcare startups to come up with software companies already have?  Analytics you already they use?  You really think behemoths like Merck, Pfizer, J&J, 3M, Mckesson and AmerisourceBergen aren't amazing at predicting supply? 

    /rant over  we're all fine here.  I'm going to post this and go to bed and think about fic I actually put down 4 sentences to this evening...
    • political rant
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    • 能上picacg的梯子


    rthstewart: (Default)
    Thursday, May 14th, 能上picacg的梯子 09:54 pm
    Work work work. The 7 days leading up to Mother's Day was 2 AM every night. I am incredibly fortunate to have a job and my privilege is immense. If anyone is interested in a discussion of supply chain logistics, the national stockpile, the Executive Order and fact sheet just released this evening on the national stockpile, "Buy American" and its implications for pharmaceuticals, drug importation, N95 masks from China, and Chloroquine Phosphate, Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate or remdesivir, leave a comment.

    Instead, behold, the amazing [personal profile] syrena_of_the_lake has been making some covers for me for The Stone Gryphon. And they are INCREDIBLE. I can't quite figure out how to get the Palace Guard one. It's here.  You can find Syrena's lovely stories here.

    Look at these.Hopefully pictures will be behind the cut.

    ( Gorgeous covers for TSG )

    Also, Thorin Corgishield was very needy today as I was trying to pull reopening information from the CDC website.
    • art,
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    Wednesday, April 8th, 2020 09:04 am
    Thanks so much to everyone from my last post.  Good news.  The shipments were slowly released, one on Sunday, one and Monday and the last one about 11 PM last night.  I refreshed the shipper website and saw CLEARED with a delivery of 10:30 this morning.  So, phew, masks on their way to an assisted living facility and I did sleep better last night.  So it's all a hot pile of flaming dumpster but this, at least, got done.
    • covid salt mines,
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    • work
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    Waving the flag of surrender with my inbox

    Saturday, 哔咔加速器免费 4th, 2020 10:18 am
    So for those who have followed me for awhile, you know that I work in the greater DC area and in food and drug regulation and policy.  There was my life prior to March 6 where I was sending cheery emails to clients about going to lunch at the Blue Duck Tavern and getting ready for big presentations on pharmaceutical supply chain regulation and logistics, drug importation, and cannabis. 

    And then it hit.  Every day is wrestling with new problems, new urgencies, and conference calls.  So many conference calls with those trying to get food, drugs, and medical products to patients and healthcare professionals.  Invoking force majeure in contracts and helping clients cancel their events and conferences and hoping that the hotels won't be dicks about it and that insurers will pay up when someone actually had the foresight to get event cancellation insurance with a pandemic disease rider.  (And really?  You really think we're going to be able to hold an event at your facility in May when the Army Corps is building a hospital there?  REALLY?) And I'm not on the healthcare delivery side -- which is as grim as you would expect for those advising hospitals and clinics. 

    Masks.  So many masks and everyone trying to get them.  As I've typed this, 3 emails on masks on a Saturday morning and I've already had one conference call.  Every night, about 11 PM, I bundle up the day's COVID events and send them out. 

    为什么哔咔最近用不了了,要开加速器才行,有什么解决方法 ...:游戏加速器 为什么哔咔最近用不了了,要开加速器才行,有什么解决方法吗?显示全部 关注者 11 被浏览 14,828 关注问题 写回答 邀请回答 好问题 1 ...

    Anyway, this is to say that I'm sorry I haven't been there to read your own posts and comments.  With my inbox at over 300 unread DW notifications and about 1,000 posts to the three sentence ficathon, I've given up.  I love you all and wish you all health and safety most of all. 

    There are no days anymore, just yesterday, today and tomorrow.  There are only 3 parts to my day, caffeine, workout, alcohol. 

    We're fine, so far, though our county has over 500 cases so far.  Periodically, my allergies really bother me and I panic but when they disappear after 2 diphenhydramine tablets, so I know it's just trees having sex.  I got pretty hysterical last night when I couldn't get my microphone to work to play D&D.  Damn it, it works for Skype, Zoom, GoTo Meeting, and Elevate.  WHY WON'T IT WORK WHEN I WANT TO PLAY?

    I have noticed a lot of guest readers to my fic and a few comments.  Thanks so much to those that are reading.  It means the world to me when I'm on my 6th conference call of the day and hearing about the dire condition of the med-surg supply chain to see a notification of a comment pop up.  Thank you.  I've found I'm reading my own fics for comfort late at night when I can't sleep because of a shipment of KN95 masks being held up in Anchorage.  Which, arrogant, sure, but that's the way it is right now.  There is yesterday, there is today, and there is tomorrow.  Time to get back to work.

    Love you all,

    • feel the f-list love,
    • real life
    • 哔咔加速器免费
    • Reply

    Looking for distractions?

    Saturday, March 14th, 2020 02:19 pm
    哔咔漫画用免费加速器melannen  has posted in 能上picacg的梯子fictional_fans  soliciting long read recs that others are cross posting to, including 哔咔加速器免费jjhunter 
    And by all means, if you're up for low stress creating, might I suggest going through the 3SF and filling prompts that catch your stressed eye here and here?

    Hang in there my friends.  I'm mentally in a pretty good place (I think?  maybe?) so please come and unload if you need it. I'm here and I'm listening. This is very much like post 9/11 but worse and it all sucks.

    Oh and this was adorable, sad, but lovely, people posting to Laura Benanti's twitter timeline pieces of musicals they would now not get to do. 

    From a convo with my spawn on Friday:

    Spawn:  "I want to go to the hardware store and buy a crowbar, water containers, plywood, gas, and extra nails in case essential services are cut."

    Me:  "Well, okaaay, if it will make you fee better."

    Spawn:  Rambles ambles stares at ceiling for 45 minutes then "Shit!"

    Me:  "You forgot to take your meds, didn't you?"


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    My inbox is a lost cause

    rthstewart: (Feminazi)
    Sunday, March 8th, 2020 02:02 pm
    I've been on travel and gearing up for presentations the last month.  Yesterday,  I was on the way to another conference when it was cancelled 2 hours before I would have boarded a plane. So suddenly, yesterday at 4 PM, I had nothing to do.  I binged 4 episodes of Project Runway (Don't tell me how it ends but I've been very amused by Victoria from Moldova -- I've been to the Moldovan part of Romania in the 90s). 

    And now I've attempted to tackle a backlog of hundreds of three sentence fics and my DW notifications -- I've got well over a thousand separate entries and emails ... it's not happening. 

    So, alas, dear F-list, if something important or terrible or wonderful has happened and I've not seen it or responded, by deepest apologies.  Please share what's happened in the last month if you are so inclined.

    For me, it's all been work -- so much work.  Weed -- specifically cannabidiol or CBD and prescription drug importation have taken over my life.  I won't bore you with the details but my powerpoints are gorgeous.  I warn you, I'm not kind to either CBD (mostly fraud, lotsa bad data, the placebo effect is profound and if it works, it's probably the THC) or importing drugs from Canada (leave the drugs in Canada, import the pricing model and repeal the non-Interference clause) and I'm very sad I never got to vote for Warren, Harris, Klobuchar, or Gillibrand.  Oh look, another old white dude.  But god this is all for nothing if we don't take the Senate.

    And as for COVID-19, well, our health infrastructure is shit and even being well off and well insured won't protect you.  Millionaires will have to wait for hospital beds too.    I'm not panicking for myself or my son who is traveling on spring break.  We both have robust immune systems and practice good hygiene.  My spousal unit, on the other hand, has the immune system of a 90 year old, is vulnerable to respiratory disease due to pneumonia 2 years ago,  does not have the spoons to remember things like washing his hands and would never, ever deign to use hand sanitizer.  Stress induced memory loss and depression is a thing and wow, I just hope he doesn't get too close to people on public transit.

    I think the product sourcing from China is going to be an issue -- so many raw materials are sourced there -- not just pharmaceuticals and medical devices but lots of food ingredients too.  I'm very amused that Campbell's Soup is seeing a big surge -- they source about 90% of their ingredients in the US -- or maybe Mexico and Canada as part of NAFTA. This will likely spur a long overdue and important conversation about supply chain resiliency -- it had begun in the pharmaceutical space last year and I see it expanding which would be a very good thing for U.S. workers. 

    So, I'm going to head to the grocery store and pick up a few things, maybe another can of tomatoes and some frozen things.  Can I get you something? 

    How are you?

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    rthstewart: (Default)
    Sunday, February 能上picacg的梯子, 2020 10:45 pm
    One week to go in the three sentence ficathon and then I official close the posts to new entries. I have no way to enforce this but you should assume that people will stop coming by to see new prompts. I do know that people will respond to post prompts and continue to do so long after the ficathon ends. Get your prompts and fills in! One week to go!

    Here's a word cloud of the new, Part 2 entry so far,

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    NEW POST FOR PROMPTS AND RESPONSES - Three Sentence Ficathon Part 2

    rthstewart: (Default)
    Sunday, February 9th, 2020 哔咔加速器免费
    安卓 听说很好玩v1.2.1破解版 有声阅读APP - 乌云资源站:2021-11-28 · 7 安卓 哔咔哔咔v2.2.0.0 绅士本子神器 8 迅雷X v10.1.34.798 SVIP加速去广告精简绿色单文件便携版下载 9 APP开发软件 FileMaker Pro Advanced v18.0.3.317 专业汉化版下载 10 网页视频嗅探下载器v1.0.07会员破解版
    DO CHECK OUT EXISTING PROMPTS AND KEEP FILLING THEM AND COMMENTING ON THEM!  (Seriously,  I still get notifications of 3SF fills from the exchange last year!  I'll get them all year and that's great.  But posting a new prompt isn't likely to get any attention and, at some point, we all move on in our lives (until next year!).

    A huge thanks to [personal profile] conuly  for posting and updating all unfilled prompts in a separate post.  Link below.

    Thank you everyone and we'll see you next year!


    Welcome to the Three Sentence Ficathon!

    At over 4600 comments and responses to Entry 1, it's time to move to Entry 2.  Please post all new prompts and responses here.  You can still respond to and comment on old prompts here.

    To that end, the incomparable
    [Unknown site tag]conuly has collected all unfilled prompts, organized them by fandom, and linked them back so you can search that list for anything that you missed and fill it!!! a huge thanks for doing this [Unknown site tag]哔咔可用的加速器!!

    Please post all your new and unfilled prompts here.

    What is the 3 Sentence Ficathon?
    his is a challenge where you answer a prompt with a fic consisting of only three sentences. It's open to all fandoms and you can post and answer as many prompts as you like, as many times as you want.

    What do I do first?
    You can start 3SF by posting prompts! When posting a prompt please format it this way:

    fandom, character(s), prompt word/sentence.

    Only one prompt per comment please. So, for example,

    Star Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi, 能上picacg的梯子

    Open ended and anthropomorphic fills are popular too, such as:

    Any, Any, "I don't like sand."


    Earth geography, sand, "I don't like humans very much, either."

    What else?

    You answer other posters' prompts in three sentences (or more if you can't stop yourself) and fill as many prompts as you want, as many times as you wish. If you see that a prompt you loved has already been filled, go ahead and fill it again! Multiple fills of the same prompt are allowed and even encouraged! (We get really fun stories going this way).

    Can I still post if I need more than 3 sentences? Or should I just abuse grammar in ways the English language never contemplated?

    Yes. Yes.

    But I'm not a member of Dreamwidth

    No problem. You can comment anonymously or through 哔咔可用的加速器

    Can anyone play?

    Yes! Please signal boost this to your flist, followers, and any other places you frequent. Come one, come all!
    The more people who come and play, the better!

    Can I spread the word?

    Yes, please. I generally fail at creating banners and embed codes but if you create one and make it really idiot-proof, I might manage it. Or we can just cross-post. If you create one, I'll try to post it and everyone can use it.

    How long will it go?

    Until February 29, 2020. But the entry stays open permanently.

    Are there any rules about cross-posting?

    Nope, you can post wherever you want, whenever you want. A lot of folks collected their responses together and posted them on AO3 under the 哔咔可用的加速器 tag. 3SFs are a terrific prompt for remixes and could be helpful for Yuletide bears, too.

    蘑菇加速器_小吃大全:蘑菇加速器,uu加速器绝地求生加速器“蘑菇加速器”正在内测 需要的留言邮箱!_绝地求生吧_百度贴吧海豚手游加速器海豚加速器究竟好用吗?请用过的用户来回答 加速器海豚【高
    I thought a lot about this. It wasn't an issue the last 3 times I ran this. In my experience, this typically gets too big, moves too fast, and the stories are too short for content warnings and ratings to even apply. It is too big for me to moderate in this way. You should assume spoilers are fair game and that the initial poster and the responder have opted to use no content warnings or tags. This means AO3 content warnings for dubcon, violence, canon character death, underage, etc. COULD be present.  I've found personally that I can skim and scroll by stuff that, from the prompt, I can tell isn't my favorite flavor of delicious cake. Use your best judgment and be prepared to skip over things that aren't your thing. In this format, the obligation is on you, the reader, to protect yourself from triggering content.

    Here, have some icons and banners and let me know if you've created your own!

    text box you can try to cut and paste




    the incomparable [personal profile] alexseanchai  made these gorgeous banners

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    小萌兔漫画app下载_小萌兔漫画在线阅读app官方版 v1.0-嗨 ...:2021-4-10 · 小萌兔漫画app是一款非常好用的手机漫画类的应用软件,超多精彩的漫画这里应有尽有,随时随地都能线上观看哦,小萌兔漫画app让您足不出户就能快速使用,阅读漫画更加简单,来这里下载小萌兔漫画app吧! 小萌兔漫画app介绍: 1.超多精彩的漫画这里都有,让您观看更快捷。

    rthstewart: (Default)
    Thursday, February 6th, 能上picacg的梯子 09:03 pm
    I've been super busy this week so, while my inbox is a disaster, it's wonderful to see 3SF doing so well. I made a new wordcloud from day 5 below. We're already over 3500 comments and at about 4700 or so, I'll open a new post for new prompts and new fills (though of course, you can prompt old ones too.)

    To that end, the incomparable 哔咔可用的加速器conuly has collected all unfilled prompts, organized them by fandom, and linked them back so you can search that list for anything that you missed and fill it!!! a huge thanks for doing this 能上picacg的梯子conuly!!

    • 3 sentence ficathon,
    • 3sf,
    • three sentence ficathon
    • 能上picacg的梯子
    • Reply

    3 sentence ficathon -- a few notes from your mod at 36 hours

    rthstewart: (Default)
    Sunday, February 2nd, 哔咔加速器免费 01:30 pm
    Egads. As of about noon ET, having been live barely 36 hours, we were at over 1100 comments. In the States, tonight is Super Bowl Sunday, and we will probably see a lot of activity from those who don't care about the game. If experience is any guide, it will slow down a lot tomorrow once folks go back to work.

    Thank you! You all are great! I've been working most of the weekend and so haven't been able to do more than keep half an eye on things and do a couple of fills. I've noticed that comment response fills are frequently adding spoilers to their Good Place posts and I've seen a couple of content warnings. That's really nice of you and thank you! As mentioned on the tin, this is too big and moves to fast for this to be more than the responsibility of responders and readers but it is good of responders to add these in their subject lines when they remember to do so.

    A warning now that once this approaches 5,000 comments (and we're going until the end of the month and it's only 2 February) I'm going to have to open a new post. This is because at 5000 comments, Dreamwidth automatically adds captcha tests. As far as I know, I can't turn that off. If I'm wrong, do let me know what I should do. So, at around 5,000, we typically open a second post, and a third, and so on... I don't think I've ever gone beyond 2 but who knows? Activity does fall off at each new post.

    If you have any questions or comments, leave them below or message me here, on Tumblr, twitter, or gmail.  I'm rthstewart everywhere.

    Here, have a wordcloud at 36 hours:

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    • 3sf,
    • admin,
    • three sentence ficathon
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    • Reply


    rthstewart: (3SF 2020_3)
    Saturday, February 1st, 2020 12:08 pm

    You can go ahead and continue to respond to prompts and comment on them here but please don't post any new prompts .

    Welcome to the Three Sentence Ficathon!

    UPDATE 1 HERE- 2 Feb

    UPDATE 2 HERE 6 Feb

    ‎App Store 上的“TestFlight”:2021-12-11 · ‎TestFlight 可让您轻松测试 iOS、Apple TVOS 和 watchOS App 的 Beta 版本,并在开发者将 App 发布到 App Store 前为他们提供有价值的反馈。若要成为测试者,只需按照开发者的公共链接或其发送给您的电子邮件邀请中的链接操作即可。TestFlight 会打开,以便您接受邀请,然后安装开发者的 App。 测试 Beta 版App 时 ...
    his is a challenge where you answer a prompt with a fic consisting of only three sentences. It's open to all fandoms and you can post and answer as many prompts as you like, as many times as you want.

    What do I do first?
    You can start 3SF by posting prompts! When posting a prompt please format it this way:

    fandom, character(s), prompt word/sentence.

    Only one prompt per comment please. So, for example,

    Star Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi, I don't like sand."

    Open ended and anthropomorphic fills are popular too, such as:

    Any, Any, "I don't like sand."


    Earth geography, sand, "I don't like humans very much, either."

    What else?

    You answer other posters' prompts in three sentences (or more if you can't stop yourself) and fill as many prompts as you want, as many times as you wish. If you see that a prompt you loved has already been filled, go ahead and fill it again! Multiple fills of the same prompt are allowed and even encouraged! (We get really fun stories going this way).

    Can I still post if I need more than 3 sentences? Or should I just abuse grammar in ways the English language never contemplated?

    Yes. Yes.

    But I'm not a member of Dreamwidth

    No problem. You can comment anonymously or through open ID

    Can anyone play?

    Yes! Please signal boost this to your flist, followers, and any other places you frequent. Come one, come all!
    Android - 『精品软件区』:2021-6-12 · 精品软件推荐,软件交流天地,汇集众多精彩评论,热心会员每日更新。找你所需要的,给你我分享的!这里不但有PC软件,安卓、iPhone等手机软件也统统包含。

    Can I spread the word?

    Yes, please. I generally fail at creating banners and embed codes but if you create one and make it really idiot-proof, I might manage it. Or we can just cross-post. If you create one, I'll try to post it and everyone can use it.

    How long will it go?

    Until February 29, 2020. But the entry stays open permanently.

    Are there any rules about cross-posting?

    Nope, you can post wherever you want, whenever you want. A lot of folks collected their responses together and posted them on AO3 under the 3 sentence fiction tag. 3SFs are a terrific prompt for remixes and could be helpful for Yuletide bears, too.

    pc免费梯子:2021-7-12 · pc免费梯子 在线prpnhub ssr 三个又念什么 手机pixiv登录解决办法2021 n437437.com i7加速器手机版 上网加速器express 不是老王本性黄吧啥意思 green极光 加速器 turbovpn 百度云资源 ssr 没有下行数据 极云加速器无法下载软件 WWW.43437.COM iphone11怎样使用twitter 小飞机中的IP,端口,密码如何获得 苹果手机注册vnp账号和 ...
    I thought a lot about this. It wasn't an issue the last 3 times I ran this. In my experience, this typically gets too big, moves too fast, and the stories are too short for content warnings and ratings to even apply. It is too big for me to moderate in this way. You should assume spoilers are fair game and that the initial poster and the responder have opted to use no content warnings or tags. This means AO3 content warnings for dubcon, violence, canon character death, underage, etc. COULD be present.  I've found personally that I can skim and scroll by stuff that, from the prompt, I can tell isn't my favorite flavor of delicious cake. Use your best judgment and be prepared to skip over things that aren't your thing. In this format, the obligation is on you, the reader, to protect yourself from triggering content.

    Here, have some icons and banners and let me know if you've created your own!

    text box you can try to cut and paste




    the incomparable 哔咔可用的加速器哔咔加速器免费  made these gorgeous banners

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    • Reply

    For those in the back, 3SF is live

    rthstewart: word cloud (3sf banner icon)
    Friday, January 31st, 2020 11:30 pm
    Go here.

    In case the notifications didn't work.

    Three superheroes standing back to back. Captioned "February 2020 3 Sentence Ficathon xaopj.nbomb2017.com".
    • 3 sentence ficathon,
    • 3sf,
    • 哔咔可用的加速器
    • Link


    Thursday, January 30th, 2020 11:03 pm
    Seriously my coding is so bad. I tried to get a countdown clock on my 3SF post and failed. Tried to get a beautiful banner someone made embedded. Fail. I'd forgotten that my 3SF posts were going to another email folder so I didn't even see them for the last 10 days. Fail.

    Yeah, RL has been kicking me in the ass and the fail is strong with me right now.  Not feeling like I've got the wits for the 3SF but deep breath I'll just do it.    Work has been insane.

    So with all the everything going on, I skived on doing work work last weekend and FINALLY finished something I'm been trying to do for 能上picacg的梯子syrena_of_the_lake for 3 weeks. My spawn had said from when we first watched The Force Awakens that the sequel trilogy had a Mara Jade sized hole. So, I filled it.  So out there it's almost crack.

    Picking Up The Pieces (4493 words) by 哔咔漫画用免费加速器
    Chapters: 1/1
    Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars Legends - All Media Types
    Rating: General Audiences
    Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
    Relationships: Poe Dameron/Finn/Rey
    Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Mara Jade, Finn (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Wedge Antilles, Lando Calrissian
    Additional Tags: Background Relationships, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fix-It of Sorts, because there's always been a Mara Jade sized hole in the sequel trilogy, Post-Canon, Alternate Universe - Crack

    "Being a Jedi Master must count for something besides the ability to lift really big rocks."
    Mara Jade (surely something she said at some point in the Expanded Universe)

    • fic,
    • mara jade,
    • star wars,
    • the rise of skywalker
    • Link
    • Reply


    rthstewart: 2015 3SF (3SF_2015)
    Thursday, January 30th, 2020 10:34 pm
    I'll try to have it up tomorrow night East Coast time. If not, it will be Saturday morning. I anticipate some difficulty with embedding codes in banners and things so bear with me. GET YOUR PROMPTS READY AND BE SURE TO SPREAD THE WORD!

    See, I already failed. I tried to add a countdown clock and it wouldn't stick in the post. I fail at coding.  It's ugly.  This is the 4th edit of a 6 line post. 
    • 3 sentence ficathon,
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    • 哔咔加速器免费
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    I had no idea -- Darwin's Paradox

    Monday, January 20th, 哔咔漫画用免费加速器 09:44 am
    Ramble on Narnia fic, Darwin, and a recent article on demolishing cherished and possibly incorrect assumptions about same-sex behaviors in animals. The article is here with a news article discussing it here.

    I'll try a cut but DW doesn't like cuts when there are also indents...( AW excerpt )

    I didn't know when I wrote this that it's in fact something referred to as the Darwinian Paradox -- why are same sex sexual behaviors so common and why do they persist when there is no seeming reproductive, evolutionary advantage to it. A November 2019 article is so interesting because all it does, so profound in its simplicity, is reframe a basic assumption. What if, instead of our assumption that everything was hard-wired from time immemorial as different sex sexual behavior (DSB) the default biological assumption was both DSB 能上picacg的梯子same sex sexual behavior (SSB)? In other words, and to borrow from more commonly used human terms, what if bisexuality was the default of ancestral heredity? I'm not enough of a biologist to unpack the science behind this. But it was definitely an oh wow yeah moment for me.

    Monk, J.D., Giglio, E., Kamath, A. et al. An alternative hypothesis for the evolution of same-sex sexual behaviour in animals. Nat Ecol Evol 3, 1622–1631 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41559-019-1019-7
    "We question these assumptions and propose an alternative explanation for the prevalence of [same sex sexual behaviors] SSB: that the ancestral condition for sexual behaviour in animals included both [different sex sexual behaviors] DSB and SSB, and that various evolutionary processes, adaptive or otherwise, have shaped the persistence and expression of SSB in different lineages, but need not explain its origins. Indeed, when we observe a particular trait so prevalent within a clade, a reasonable hypothesis to explain such an evolutionary pattern is that the trait likely arose near the clade’s origins..."

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    • darwin,
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    rthstewart: 3SF Words (3 sentence ficathon)
    Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 09:31 pm
    3SFers, ready your prompts!!  I had a couple of nudges and posted the news on Tumblr and elsewhere.  I'll be opening a 3 sentence ficathon beginning February 1 that will run for the month of February.  You can read more about what it is in last year's post.

    I prefer to run the 3SF early in the new year after Yuletide, during a period when the weather is bad in the northern hemisphere, new media tends to be a little slower, and there aren't as many other exchanges going.  (Chocolate box -- not much else).

    So by all means start following this account or me on 哔咔漫画用免费加速器or Tumblr for updates.  You don't need a Dreamwidth account to participate as I enable anon posting. 

    If previous years have been any indication, it starts fast and we typically get several hundred prompts within the first couple of days.  Some people find that really overwhelming and intimidating.  Try not to let it worry you! You don't have to read everything, you don't have start on page 1, and it doesn't matter at all if you end up leaving a prompt that is identical to one left 10 days and 400 comments earlier.  Come and go as you please, engage as your time and bandwidth permit.  It's supposed to be fun, not a chore. 

    By all means begin spreading the word and if you want to do banners and icons that even an idiot like me can post, please do so.  Or post them on your own pages and send me links and then I can link to them. 
    I'll post it on 能上picacg的梯子哔咔加速器免费 .  Do post about it in other comms or let me know I can post there too.

    Below the cut are the rules of engagement, such as they are.  I'll repost when I open the ficathon.  If you have any questions, drop me a line.

    ( Hopefully this cut will work )

    • 3 sentence ficathon,
    • 3sf,
    • signal boost
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